
Frequently Asked Questions

We answer some of your Frequently Asked Questions regarding our platform. If you have a query that is not answered here, Please contact us.

Cannon Capital Trade sees the popularization of digital exchange market and online forex trading, and to strengthening its business position in this competitive market as its primary goal. It is easy to understand that the more working capital is involved in the process of exchange transactions and the more people become interested in this business, the closer we are to our goals and the higher the income level of our customers is.

Cannon Capital Trade accepts funds from its investors worldwide and creates consolidated financial flows of investment funds, carefully analyzing all aspects that may affect the conclusion of a particular exchange transaction. Making a profit, we divide it between clients in accordance with a fixed percentage of profitability, and use the remaining profit directly at our discretion.

Yes Cannon Capital Trade is legally registered company with Financial Industry Regulatory Authority(FINRA) with registration number: CRD#: 309026/SEC#: 8-70523

Simply click on the sign up button to register for free in the company, choose any investment package you can afford. Each investment package has a range of price tag on it, kindly enter the enter you want to start with on the website and make the exact payment by transferring to the company wallet address and then you will finish up your deposit process by clicking on the save and wait for the company to approve your deposit. Once we verify your deposit we will definitely approve the deposit, then we will enable your dashboard for earning and at the agreed time on the investment package you selected.

The withdrawal is always instantly, and immediately your withdrawal request is received in the company, the transfer of the specified amount you want to withdraw is automatically send directly into your bitcoins wallet address registered in the company, this amount enters your wallet backoffice immediately after passing 3 to 4 confirmation process by the blockchain service.